Ukuran Kanvas Internasional
Table of Sizes of Canvases
(in Centimeters)
No. Figure Paysage Marine
1 22x16 22x14 22x12
2 24x19 24x16 24x14
3 27x22 27x19 27x16
4 33x24 33x22 33x19
5 35x27 35x24 35x22
6 41x33 41x27 41x24
8 46x38 46x33 46x27
10 55x46 55x38 55x33
12 61x50 61x64 61x38
15 65x54 65x50 65x46
20 73x60 73x54 73x50
25 81x65 81x60 81x54
30 92x73 92x65 92x60
40 100x81 100x73 100x65
50 116x89 116x81 116x73
60 130x97 130x89 130x81
80 146x114 146x97 146x89
100 162x130 162x114 162x97
120 195x130 195x114 195x97
B. Chipp, Herschel, Theories of Modern Art, A Source Book by Artists and Critics.London, England: University of California Press, 1968
by AR.t.i.s.t.i.k Spanram